Thursday, March 17, 2011

C’mon Big Boys!

The following blog is taken from the Wretched Newsletter available at

Imagine that you are a shepherd who spies a wolf inside your sheepfold, what would you do?

A. Wait seven years until the wolf devoured one of your sheep.

B. Whisper, “Psssst, there seems to be a hairy creature near you, Dear Sheep.”

C. Yell, “Wolf! Wolf! Run for your lives!”

If a shepherd isn’t willing to cry, “Wolf,” then he isn’t a good shepherd. He is a shepherd who has become pre-occupied with other things.

To be fair, a shepherd has many duties; he must feed, seek out green pastures and tend to the sick or wounded sheep. But no shepherd can forsake his duty to protect the sheep against predators.

Pastor Rob Bell is a wolf.

Pastor Rob Bell is inside the sheep gate.

Pastor Rob Bell is devouring sheep.

Where are the shepherds?

Yes, we have heard some responses. Some. But they have been rather tacit in their condemnation of Rob’s latest book, “Love Wins.” One high profile blogger stated that he simply doesn’t understand why Rob is a threat to his seminary or church. Really?

>Rob Bell does not believe hell is eternal, conscious torment.

>Rob Bell believes that there is a second chance to believe in Him AFTER you die.

>Rob Bell believes that just about everyone (Buddhist, Baptist and Muslim) will go to heaven.

There is simply no way a shepherd can claim, “I didn’t know that this wolf was out there.”

>Rob Bell is making more television appearances than Ryan Seacrest. He is everywhere.

>Rob Bell’s other books, “Velvet Elvis” and “Sex God” are best sellers.

>Rob Bell’s Nooma videos are shown in hundreds, if not thousands, of churches.

What more does a fellow have to teach to raise the attention of the evangelical heavy hitters? Furthermore, Rob Bell is not new to the scene with his heretical teachings (yes, I used the “h word”), he has been at this for years.

How did this happen? I think that 21st century shepherds might be living in a 20th century world. The internet, twitter and Facebook allow the wolves to creep in through gates that didn’t exist even 15 years ago. The under-shepherd needs to understand that false teachers are worming their way into unsuspecting Christian homes MORE than ever before.

The already busy pastor must continue to feed and tend to the sheep, but more than ever, he must be on the alert for the wolves that Jesus warned about.
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Toyin O. said...

Yes, shepards should always be aware of the wolfs:)

Randy said...

Thanks for the forthright commentary on Bell. Amongst pastors, preachers and teachers it's as if an unwritten rule exists about calling others out, no matter how heretical and unorthodox they are. After reading how the New Testament authors treated such things, I saw no choice but to point out wolves by name.

I am afraid that the evangelical community has created Rob Bell as we see him today. From early on you can see evidence pointing to where he is today. What if evangelical leaders had pointed him out to others as a wolf early on? What if somebody had set down with him and tried to point out his errors before they went too far?

R.A. Boren said...

When I was a youngster my parents ran a large cattle ranch which also included sheep.I Distinctly remember several occasions when coyotes would sneak into the pasture behind the house where the sheep were grazing.
This particular scenario usually took place during the night as best as I can remember. Whether your a rancher or a shepherd its your responsibility to tend to the sheep particularly when coyotes or wolves get into the sheep pasture regardless of what you were doing at the time.

What do you think their reaction was to coyotes in the sheep pasture at 1:00 in the morning?

Sure hope those coyotes don't stay long. No!
Those weaker sheep need to be culled anyway.No!
I'm tired so the sheep will just have to wait till morning.No!
We have so many sheep so what if we lose a few. No!

They went after the predators right away,not later.
Coyotes in the sheep pasture
were not to be taken lightly and it was addressed immediately and taken care of promptly.

Did the coyotes occasionally return? Quite often actually,but they were considered predators and always dealt with accordingly.
One sheep lost to the wolves was to many.

Wake up SHEPHERDS! Tend the flock!

Unfortunately it seems as though many of the so called evangelical leaders of our day decided to sleep in and check the sheep the next morning.
Or maybe they just weren't sure what a wolf looked like.Surely any shepherd or rancher for that matter can spot a coyote or wolf pretty quickly.

Seems pretty clear to me that Rob Bell has been roaming around in the sheep pasture for several years staying pretty fat and happy while many of the "BIG BOYS" have sat idle and done nothing. Now that many of the sheep are missing they want to holler "WOLF".

Hopefully Rob Bell has now made quite clear to the 'BIG BOYS" what has been obvious to some for several years.

Rob Bell is one of the ones warned about by Jesus,Paul,Peter,Jude,
and John.

Maybe for the sake of the sheep we should all keep a closer watch on the sheep pasture.

Tend the sheep!