Thursday, November 5, 2009

Paul Washer on False Teachers.

I realize I might not make any friends with this clip, but I like it, I agree with what he says. He only mentions Joel Olsteen and Benny Hinn, but there are a ton of other false teachers that can be lined up with him. I hope you enjoy.

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Anonymous said...

I too have come to respect this man who dares to tell it like it is with boldness. So refeshing in this day of what I have come to call "fast food" Christianity.

Anonymous said...

You betcha. My blog gets posted to my facebook account, so my friends on facebook can read it. If you could only see the comments a friend of mine on there made. She just loves Joel Olsteen and his preaching, that this seriously offended her and she started to defend him.

If she thought Paul Washer was mean and loud, and totally wrong about Mr. Olsteen, wait til she hears Justin Peters. Justin doesn't get loud, but he does have a passion, and a personal experience, that help motivate him to expose these Word of Faith heretics and yeah, he included Joel Olsteen among them.

I plan on putting a video clip of him on here sometime soon, but if you want to check out his site, I have a link to it on the blog.