Monday, October 19, 2009

The Jesus You Can't Ignore.

How many of you, when you think about Jesus, see Him as meek and mild-mannered person who is nice and kind? I’m willing to be that is what most people think about Him. But how many of you see Him as a person who creates conflict, uses harsh words, and even insults people? I bet not as many of you would even think of Him in such a way, but never the less He did indeed do such things.

Dr. John MacArthur has written a book called, “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore”. In it he points out all of the major conflicts that Jesus has been involved in with the religious leaders of His time, and less than cordial words He had for them. It shows us how Jesus handled false teachers and their doctrine, and the book also gives us advice and shows us how we can the false teachers and their doctrines in our time.

I definitely recommend reading this book, especially if you are tired if seeing false teachers and what they teach seeping their way in the church today. If you want to read more about how to fight against false teachers check out "The Truth War" also by John MacArthur.

More on hereicies here.

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Michael Lantz said...

I believe that Jesus was assertive in his comments.He spoke the truth.He stood up to the religious teachers in his days.When I read Matthew 23,I can see that he told it like it was.He calle the Pharisees"Vipers".

Anonymous said...

Exactly Michael. But if you look over the vast majority of the evangelical community you'll see people that would think to do such a thing is something that should be avoided, and they for some reason don't see Jesus as someone who would do such a thing, even though scripture shows us otherwise.

Its as if they don't read their Bibles, or choose what to read. Most probably don't even know that Jesus' first public display was overturning the money changers tables in the temple, as well as one of His last public displays.

Dr. MacArthur's book is all about these confrontations that Jesus started.

Michael Lantz said...

People forget that we are created in God's image,the only thing is that we are not perfect,like Jesus who was God in the flesh.The whole Old Testemant we see a jealous God,and angry God and a loving God.